If you want to show your glutes some love, bridge exercises can be particularly effective. “Bridge exercises work the hamstrings, lower back, core and glutes,” says Megan Murrie, a personal trainer and yoga instructor. These exercises can also be beneficial for anyone who wants to strengthen their lower back or increase hip mobility.  “If you’re a runner, bridge exercise is a great one to incorporate into your training program because it will increase your glute strength, which means more power in your running stride. Strong glues also help support your back while running,” Murrie says. Clearly, there are many reasons why bridge exercises can be helpful. But how do you do them? Here, personal trainers share the best way to try them safely as well as give variations.

How To Do a Bridge Exercise

Below, personal trainer, yoga and Pilates teacher, and health coach Bernadett Henzsel shares the steps on how to do a basic bridge exercise correctly:

  1. Lie down on a mat with your legs bent and feet hip-width distance apart.
  2. Gaze toward the ceiling and put your hands flat on the mat beside your hips.
  3. Tighten the abdominal muscles and raise your hips while squeezing the glutes. Avoid overextending the back and do not let the knees fall apart.
  4. Do between 15 to 30 reps, depending on your fitness level.

Watch a video of how to do this bridge exercise below:

Bridge Exercise Variations

The basic bridge exercise can be its own workout; Murrie recommends doing three to four sets, resting between sets. You can also incorporate some variations, such as the ones below:

1. Bridge exercise with yoga block

To really make sure your core and inner thighs are engaged the whole time, Henzsel says to grab a yoga block and place it between your knees. Your abs and thighs must be activated to keep the block in place, otherwise, it will fall.

2. Feet elevated bridge exercise

Murrie says that another way to switch up a standard bridge exercise is to elevate your feet on a raised surface, such as a couch or chair. This is another way to activate your glutes, thighs and abs. When you do an elevated bridge exercise, make sure your weight is still in your heels. This will help keep your body stable.

3. Weighted bridge exercises

If the standard bridge exercise isn’t enough of a challenge for you, both experts recommend grabbing a weight. Place the weight over your hips and move through the exercise as normal. The weight adds resistance, making the move more difficult.

4. Single-leg bridge exercise

Murrie says that another way to make the standard bridge exercise more difficult is to raise one leg in the air while moving through it. This forces the core to engage even more. Don’t forget to switch sides, raising your other leg, to keep the exercise even.

5. Straight leg bridge exercise

“Performing [with] straight legs rather than with bent knees is more of a challenge,” Murrie says. To do this, lie on your back with your legs stretched out in front of you, hip-width apart. Then, raise your hips. You’ll find that your hamstrings and core have to work harder than if the legs were bent at the knees. If straight legs is too difficult, you can bend your knees slightly for an exercise that’s between the standard bridge and straight leg bridge. “A bridge exercise can really help with posture and everyday movement, and it can help strengthen your core and back,” Murrie says. While most everyone can try bridge exercises, Henzsel and Murrie both say that pregnant people in or past their second trimester should skip it. Anyone who has pain in their back, abdomen, hip joints, knees or ankles should also avoid bridge exercises. In general, bridge exercises are a great way to help undo the damage sitting all day can cause. (Although it’s still important to move your body in other ways too.) Doing them regularly will keep your abs, glutes, thighs and hamstrings strong. The best part? They can be done anywhere with no equipment. That’s a lot of perks from one exercise move! Next up, see what 12 trainers say is their favorite workout for weight loss. 


Megan Murrie, personal trainer and yoga instructorBernadett Henzsel, personal trainer, yoga and Pilates teacher, and health coach