Whether you go through Wordle withdrawal at only being able to play once a day (and Google Wordle tips and tricks more than you’d like to admit) or have never played Wordle in your life and are just sick of hearing about it, chances are there are memes in our list that will make you feel seen—and they’ll probably make you laugh, too!
Wordle Memes
1. Wordle 219 on Jan. 24, 2022 drove people crazy. It was tricky!
2. It really would take a Norman Osborne-level genius to get Wordle 219 in one try.
3. The satisfaction of solving Wordle 219 was practically orgasmic.
4. No, let’s not make Wordle into Squid Game. The world is terrifying enough already.
5. Don’t be a hypocrite, Wordlers! Wordle 219 was tough!
6. Wordle 219 may be hazardous to your self-esteem, if not necessarily your health.
7. The joys of Wordle can be bittersweet when you remember, well, everything else going on in the world.
8. We need more Wordle! Come back to us!
9. This thread of Wordle in movies is beyond brilliant.
10. Wordle meets Die Hard? Yes, please.
11. If Wordle were in Alien, Ripley would get it one try while the rest of the men on the ship scoffed at her, used up all six of their attempts, then wonder why they couldn’t get it.
12. When your number of Wordle tries leaves you shaken, not stirred.
13. Just a reminder that Amy Adams is overdue for an Oscar, thanks!
14. The Queen’s Wordle.
15. To me, Wordle is perfect.
16. The Dude hates The Eagles, but we bet he’d love Wordle.
17. If loving Wordle is a crime, we’re all in big trouble.
18. Sometimes it does feel this complicated.
19. Is there a Wordle hater among us?
20. This is a lie, don’t let anyone rain on your Wordle parade.
21. On the bright side, that’s a relatively useful Tetris block.
22. Honestly, Pinhead may be the only thing that can break people’s Wordle habits.
23. Listen, fun is a form of a self-care.
24. We wish we looked this adorable while thinking really hard.
25. When Flipper discovers Wordle:
26. Wordle is an art.
27. We are all Kelly Kapoor.
28. Wordle, like Waffle House, is hella enjoyable.
29. Is hating Wordle a dealbreaker for you?
30. There’s always tomorrow!
31. We’ll be impressed when you get it in a single try.
32. Even Ava DuVernay is in on the Wordle fun (and frustration).
33. OK, but this is still a good time too.
34. C’mon Mr. Met, that’s a proper noun!
35. If Link had any downtime at all, he may enjoy Wordle, too.
36. OK, this is adorable.
37. Looks like these pups had a ruff go at Wordle.
38. Oh God, this would have officially broken the Internet.
39. You can hear this in your head, can’t you?
40. Of course, one could simply develop a personality instead of hating Wordle for no reason, but…
41. Let’s be real, did anyone really ever know how to play Minesweeper?
42. Hipsters be like, “I got the Wordle in BC!”
43. All that’s missing are Bernie’s adorable mittens.
44. This might explain the resistance to Wordle.
45. One perk to actual Wordle over Wheel of Fortune: The vowels are free!
46. The anxiety is palpable.
47. Wordle is as soothing as Bob Ross (especially when you do well).
48. This guy speaks for all of us.
49. The disheartenment is real.
50. The marshmallow version was better, but we see where they’re going with this.
51. Seriously, how?
52. We won’t rat.
53. That’s on you.
54. Cancel culture doesn’t actually exist, but maybe it should.
55. Been there, and the struggle is real!
56. Wordle withdrawal!
57. This is dark…but so good.
58. Don’t worry, your boss is probably playing Wordle too!
59. We have all had this Wordle thought during a period of insomnia.
60. Sweet dreams, Wordle lovers!
Next, check out these 25 puzzle apps that will challenge your brain—including word puzzles!