Yes, fall is upon us, and depending on where you live, you may already be seeing those hints of colors flashing on the trees. That’s one of the very best things about autumn, and we’re so happy to share these gorgeous fall pictures! The changing of the seasons can be a spectacular sight throughout much of the country. Those lucky enough to live near regions with trees that transform into bright collages before dropping leaves, are blessed with incredible beauty. Our country is so vast that peak times for color vary greatly by region, but the Farmer’s Almanac has a fantastic color map for when foliage is at its best for each state. States like Michigan, well known for their spectacle of colors, even have road-trip tours designed to see the state in all its fall glory in short manageable weekend or day trips. Besides driving, helicopters, small commuter airplanes and parachute gliders are becoming increasingly popular as more exciting ways to appreciate the fall color spectacular. No matter what your current mood is about the changing of seasons, these 50 “happy fall” pictures will leave you ready to embrace fall.

Best Fall Pictures

We’ve got the best “happy fall” images that will put you in the mood for a PSL and amazing fall background pictures and autumn wallpapers for your phone or computer.

Winds of Change

The gentle breeze sprinkles colorful leaves on top of the tranquil water.

Footway to Fall

Take in the sunshine during a nice fall walk, breathing in the crisp, cool air and connecting with your soul.

Passage of Time

Slow, but not so subtle changes to the canopy, bring an end to one season and new beginnings to another.


Pumpkin patches give us a bountiful source of food and decorations during this season of thankfulness.

Insta-Worthy Leaves

Stop and enjoy the smells and colors of fall… and of course, make sure to take a pic!

I Spy With My Little Eye

Hard to pick which is prettier—this little bird’s colors are giving the leaves a run for their money.

Puppers + Leaves = Pure Happiness

Living the best dog life, just waiting for someone to rake the blanket of yellow leaves into the ultimate pile of happiness to jump in.

Let Your Cares Float Away

Imagine standing on this bridge as the clouds pass by, and you are surrounded by the vibrant autumn colors, throwing your cares in the creek and letting them float away.

Urban Fall Jungle

Even amidst the vast, busy metropolitan, this fall jungle emerges for all to enjoy.

Harvest Time

Pies, cider, donuts, bread or just plain—apples are enjoyed especially in the fall when they are widely harvested.

Fall Background Images

Deep In Thought

Let the tree colors rush over you while surrendering to peaceful thoughts.

Optimum Greetings

Colorful pumpkins and cheery chrysanthemums are the perfect pair to welcome guests into your home.


Barely cresting over the horizon, the sun’s early rays ignite the hills.

Amber Painted Perfection

This magical fall scene is breathtakingly serene.

Where The Fields and Forest Meet

Straight out of a fall fairy tale, the forest gently meets the field as if they were old friends.

Amazing Grace

A quiet misty autumn morning, these birds enjoy the first leisure rays of sunshine.

Autumn Waves of Beauty

Here is a bird’s eye view of fall tree tips frosted with a spectacle of colors.

Cozy Autumn Dreams

Does it really get any better than a book, snuggly blanket and hot chocolate?

If the Mountains Could Speak

Would the mountains recognize the spark of yellow popping through the vast evergreens?

Journey Like No Other

Oh, the places you could go down this quiet little road engulfed in tawny leaves. 

The Bright Side of Things

As leaves begin to fade and rust, the sunshine peaks through.

A River Runs Through it

Alas, the leaves have spent the last of their energy in an eruption of color, before delicately showering the creek below.

Walking the Quiet Yellow Wood

Adventure awaits down this little trail garnished with lemon-colored leaves.

Blanket of Leaves

The leaves have completely fallen, creating the perfect blanket for man’s best friend to rest upon.

Perfect P.O.V.

Dark and dreary or bright and cheery?

Beautiful Fall Pictures

Homestead in the Hills

What a perfect place to raise a family, nestled among the moors with plenty of wide-open space and decorated with trees beginning to tint their leaves.

Double Exposure

A prismatic pattern of colors on the water doubles the panoramic view.

Koi Imposters 

Bright, tear-shaped leaves trail effortlessly atop the water.

Follow the Yellow-Leafed Road

When all else fails, follow the Yellow-Leafed Road.

One is Not Like the Other

Yellow abounds, and these vibrant leaves make a gorgeous statement.

“I See Them Bloom, for Me and You…”

“…And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.” - Louis Armstrong

Last Little Bit of Fall

Trees are nearly empty, the ground is covered and it is a perfect time to enjoy the last days of the season.

The Way Through the Woods

A road struggles to be seen through the bursting yellows, oranges and reds of the transitioning trees. The colors are the last of nature’s power before settling in for winter to wait for the regrowth in spring.

Color Rush

Voluptuous trees, brimming over with burnt orange and honey-colored leaves, completely hug the fast-paced river.

Pocket Full of Sunshine

Sunbeams reaching out and speaking to the trees, and telling them to come forth with their colors.

Autumn Images

True Colors Shining Through

Birches are seemingly hidden among the green forest of summer, until fall, when they boldly show off their true colors to the pine trees.

Color Tours

Passengers of the train marvel at the striking color intensity emerging on both sides of the trestle.

Come Fly Away

As fall settles in, birds will begin to gather before migrating to their winter homes.

Perfectly Pristine

This quiet lake looks like perfectly pristine artwork.

Oh, Canada?

A bright red Maple leaf as vibrant as the one adorned on Canada’s flag.

Speak to Me

Sunrays dance through the forest canopy as if it is calling for the vivid autumn leaves to “wake up.”

The Look of Autumn

As if on cue, the leaves fade from their intense brilliance to rusty and burnt colors, before finally falling to the ground.

It’s Our Time to Shine

Move over evergreens, it’s time for the deciduous trees to be in the fall spotlight.

Daylight Fades, but the Colors Remain

As the stars begin to sprinkle the night sky, the fall colors beg to be seen even with dusk creeping in.

The Fog Can’t Stop the Color Pop

Even with a thick blanket of fog rolling over the hills, the intense yellow fall leaves are so eye-catching.

The Upside to Fall

Blue skies enhance the birch’s lemony leaves, brightening anyone’s day.

Picture Perfect

Crystal clear water captures the trees lining its edges beautifully.

Living the Dream

Fall. Camping. Fire. Sunset. Life is good.

Fall is Calling

Soaking in the last bits of a warm sunset over the open water, the tree is readying itself for fall.

The Epitome of Fall

As the harvest season approaches, may your cart overflow with pumpkins and joy. Next up, here are the best fall Instagram captions!

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