Why are gas prices so high?

Gas prices can fluctuate based on a number of factors. The 2022 gas price hikes are the result of several simultaneous things, including Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, as well as increasing demand for fuel as more cities open up and vaccine mandates are widely lifted, leading more Americans to travel and commute. President Joe Bidenbanned Russian oil imports from the United States following Russia’s attacks on Ukraine, which he warned would likely also impact prices at the pump. Additionally, inflation and increased prices as a whole has been a problem throughout the pandemic and prior to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, fueled partially by supply chain problems (and, many would argue, possibly also by corporate greed).

When will gas prices go down?

Gas prices will likely continue to increase, or at least stay quite high, for at least several months, according to reports. The length of the increases, experts speculate, will largely be impacted by what’s going on in Russia and Ukraine. Some experts believe if a peace agreement is reached, it may still take months for prices to stabilize. Some believe if Russia has a regime change and their president Vladimir Putin is taken out of office, prices may go down sooner.

What are California gas prices in 2022?

Gas prices are soaring well over $5 a gallon as of this writing in March 2022. California gas prices are higher than the rest of country for several reasons, according to The New York Times. California has a gasoline tax, adding a whopping 40% to the price at the pump for consumers. California lacks any interstate pipelines to bring gasoline into the state, which means that gasoline has to be shipped to California by trucks or ships, which are expensive.

Who controls gas prices in the US?

No one person controls gas prices in the US. That said, because gas prices are largely dictated through supply and demand, increasing the supply of oil can help keep prices from spiking so severely. On that front, Saudi Arabia—which receives a slew of money and weapons from the United States, some of which are being used in Yemen to kill civilians—refuses to increase their production of oil for American markets amid the US ban on importing Russian oil.

29 Ways to Save Money on Gas

1. Keep your tires inflated.

Maintaining adequate tire pressure can actually reduce your vehicle’s fuel consumption. Most passenger vehicles have a recommended tire pressure of between 32 and 35 psi, but individual cars can vary. Check your owner’s manual to find out your car’s recommended pressure, and be sure not to over-inflate, as that can hurt your gas mileage as much as under-inflating.

2. Ditch the junk in your trunk.

We’re talking about your literal trunk here! If you keep a ton of stuff in your vehicle that you don’t need, it’s time for a cleanout. The less weight that’s in your car, the less gas it’ll use to run. That means savings for you at the pump.

3. Embrace cruise control.

If you’re going to be driving on the highway for a while, using cruise control can actually improve your gas mileage. If you’ve never used cruise control before, it may take a little while to get used to not pumping the gas pedal manually, but we promise you (and your ankles!) will really learn to love it.

4. Don’t put the pedal to the metal.

Simply driving slower can improve your gas mileage somewhat, according to the Alternative Fuels Data Center. Gas mileage tends to drop off sharply at speeds over 50 miles per hour, so slow down and enjoy the ride—and your savings!

5. Don’t stop short.

Stop-and-go traffic is terrible for gas mileage. While you may not necessarily be able to control the flow of traffic around you, you can control how you operate your own vehicle. Where and when you can, look ahead for turns, stop signs and traffic lights so you can coast, take your foot off of the gas and ease gradually into a stop—instead of slamming the brakes. Your passengers will thank you, too!

6. Accelerate slowly.

Unless you’re being chased by someone or something really scary (in which case you’ve got worse problems than gas prices), accelerating rapidly is almost a surefire waste of fuel. Speeding up gradually as needed will not only give you and your passengers a smoother ride, you’ll also maximize your mileage.

7. Idle hands are the devil’s workshop, and idle cars aren’t much better.

Idling absolutely devours fuel. If you need to plug in your phone, get your GPS situated or find your favorite song, wait until you’re done to actually turn on your car.

8. Keep your windows up when driving at high speeds.

We know the wind in your hair feels amazing, but driving with the windows down at higher speeds—think 30 miles per hour or above—may increase the drag on your car from wind resistance. This can lower your fuel mileage, so when you know you’re going to be driving on the faster side—think on the highway—you may want to opt for air conditioning instead.

9. Keep your temperature control under control.

Using the heat or air conditioning when you don’t really need them may hinder your gas mileage. Keeping an extra sweater in the car, or as previously mentioned opening the windows when driving at lower speeds, may save you a little bit of fuel.

10. Have literal racks on racks on racks? It’s not saving you racks.

If you have racks on your vehicle (think bike racks, ski racks, etc.), remove them to save a little bit of gas. (Of course, if you’re going on a biking or skiing trip, this doesn’t apply to you!)

11. No cap? No good.

Make sure your gas cap is intact and seals properly. A loose or missing gas cap can cost you big money at the pump—and possibly at the mechanic, because it may cause fuel emissions issues and sometimes turn on the dreaded “check engine” light as well. Be sure your gas cap is properly affixed. If it feels loose or doesn’t seal perfectly, get it replaced.

12. Be sure you’re using the right motor oil for your vehicle.

Changing your own oil can save you money, but if you’re not using the correct grade motor oil for your vehicle, you may take a hit in terms of your gas mileage, the Department of Energy warns. Generally, synthetic motor oil is more expensive up front, but performs better and will save you money on gas in the long term.

13. Plan and combine your trips.

Make an itinerary before you go out to make the most of your car ride: Is the theater you’re going to near the grocery store? Then do your shopping that day on your way home instead of later in the week for a trip of its own. Hit up the strip mall that has five different shops you can peruse with one car ride.

14. Get a case of the Mondays.

Statistically, gas is cheapest on Mondays and priciest on weekends. If you can make it to Monday without fueling up on Saturday afternoon, do it. (Can’t swing Monday? Try to get to the pump by Wednesday.)

15. Sign up for gas rewards programs.

Some stores, especially grocery chains, offer fuel rewards that require you just to sign up and are totally free otherwise. If you’re already going shopping, take advantage of these free programs to save you big money at the pump.

16. Cash is king.

Most gas stations will give you a small discount for fueling up when you use cash instead of credit. Just be sure that you’re not racking up ATM fees to take cash out to use on gas, or else you’re going to cancel out your savings.

17. Take advantage of credit card points and cashback rewards.

If you have a credit card that offers points, miles or cashback rewards, using it for gas may offset some of your pain at the pump. Of course, this comes with the caveat that this only applies if you pay your credit card in full every single month—otherwise the interest fees you’re paying will likely eat up any savings you may have garnered!

18. Premium costs a premium, so go for regular.

Unless your vehicle specifically requires it, paying for premium fuel won’t make a difference in how well your car runs. Stick with regular and save your precious pennies!

19. Get a warehouse store membership.

Many warehouse retailers like Costco often offer members savings on gas. If you’re already a member or have been dying to sign up anyway, take advantage of the fuel perks offered to you.

20. Shop around.

This advice doesn’t just apply to dating! Be mindful when you’re driving to observe which gas stations on your usual commuting routes offer the best prices and fuel up at those. Much like relationships, if you settle for the first one available, it may not be the best option for you!

21. Use cashback plug-ins and apps.

Services like Rakuten and Capital One Shopping help you earn money back on purchases you’re making anyway—literally all you have to do is click a button—which you can use towards fueling up (and they’re totally free)! Using receipt scanning apps like GetUpside lets you earn cashback that you can use for gas or whatever else you want.

22. Carpool!

You knew this one was coming, didn’t you? If you and a pal both need to make a Target run and live close to one another, why not carpool there to save on gas?

23. Drive less.

If you live in a city with reliable public transportation or are able-bodied and in a climate that encourages walking, biking, skating or riding scooters to work, do it up. You’ll get cardio in at the same time!

24. Opt for a hybrid or electric vehicle if it makes sense for you.

If you’re shopping for a new car, consider an electric or hybrid vehicle to save big bucks at the gas pump. Of course, these may not be options for everyone—the availability of charging stations, for example, varies greatly by location, and many new electric and hybrid models may be cost-prohibitive for some, so we’re not expecting everyone to go out and line Elon Musk’s pockets by buying Teslas.

25. Vote wisely.

Reducing our reliance and dependency on fossil fuels and opting for cleaner and renewable energy sources will not only save the planet, it will also save you money at the pump—because with less demand for gas, you’ll see prices drop eventually. Pay attention to and participate in your state, local and federal elections and hold your elected officials accountable for their energy platforms and initiatives.

Apps to Save Money on Gas

26. Try out GasBuddy.

GasBuddyis an app that helps you find the cheapest gas near you. You can also use it to get cash back for online purchases that you can use for gas, as well as their own GasBuddy card to save even more. What’s more, GasBuddy can link directly to your checking account, so you don’t necessarily need a credit card to take advantage of it.

27. Waze helps you find gas along your route.

It pays to look up directions in advance in more ways than one. Using the Wazeapp to navigate, you can find gas stations along your route that you can filter and sort by price, ensuring you’re getting the most bang for your buck on your trip. Waze also helps you avoid traffic, which can in itself help your gas mileage in a big way.

28. Gas Guru has the answers.

Gas Gurunot only helps you find nearby gas stations, it also tells you which ones have amenities like ATMs and convenience stores if you need them.

29. Have AAA? Use their app too.

The AAA Mobileapp helps you find gas on your route and lets you know prices before heading out. Not a AAA member? You can still take advantage of their TripTik Travel Planner. Next, find out more ways to go green and cut back on fossil fuel emissions.

29 Ways to Save Money on Gas Why Gas Prices Are So High Right Now And When Gas Prices May Go Down - 9029 Ways to Save Money on Gas Why Gas Prices Are So High Right Now And When Gas Prices May Go Down - 7329 Ways to Save Money on Gas Why Gas Prices Are So High Right Now And When Gas Prices May Go Down - 2529 Ways to Save Money on Gas Why Gas Prices Are So High Right Now And When Gas Prices May Go Down - 7