However, you don’t want to spend your actual bday searching for the perfect birthday Instagram caption. Lucky for you, we’ve rounded up 250 of the best birthday Instagram captions that really take the cake. Some of these birthday captions for Instagram ideas are cute, some are sentimental and some of super fun and sassy. So no matter what kind of #bdayvibes you’re going for, you’ll have no problem finding a bday IG caption that suits you. In fact, we bet you’ll like this giant list of birthday Insta captions so much that you’ll want to use more than one of them, so make sure you take tons of photos you can post—because your b-day isn’t really official unless you celebrate it online, too. Check out our 250 birthday Instagram captions below. We’re sure they’ll get your birthday approval and also secure a ton of likes from others too.

250 Birthday Instagram Captions

  1. Zoom-ing into my birthday week!
  2. Would it really be my birthday if I didn’t take a selfie?
  3. Today’s the day I can wear this birthday crown!
  4. Act my age? Maybe next year.
  5. Hugs, kisses and birthday wishes.
  6. Move over coffee, today is a day for champagne.
  7. Today I’m just a whole year more incredibler.
  8. Blessed to see another year.
  9. It’s my birthday; I can wine if I want to.
  10. Sunshine and birthday wishes on my mind.
  11. Vibin’ and thrivin'.
  12. Smiling into my birthday week!
  13. Wishing on candles and chasing my dreams.
  14. It’s my birthday and that’s the tea.
  15. The best birthday present of all is love.
  16. Cue the confetti.
  17. Thank you, Mom, for giving birth to me.
  18. Warning: It’s my birthday today!
  19. I woke up like this.
  20. Life’s too short to not celebrate every chance you get. Happy birthday to me!
  21. Here’s my obligatory birthday selfie!
  22. Found my birthday crown.
  23. Best. Day. Ever.
  24. Calories don’t count today because it’s my birthday!
  25. It’s my favorite holiday…my birthday!
  26. Still got it!
  27. Lovin’ my birthday glow.
  28. This is the year my dreams will come true.
  29. Let me be the first one to wish myself a happy birthday!
  30. Don’t tell me to act my age because I haven’t been this age before.
  31. I have a craving for cake…It must be my birthday week.
  32. Surround yourself with people who are more excited for your birthday than you are.
  33. My birthday, my rules.
  34. Today’s the best day of the year: my birthday!
  35. Birthday girl/boy at your service!
  36. The older you get, the more stories you can tell.
  37. Here’s to another year where I can grace everyone with my presence.
  38. Happy birthday to myself and I.
  39. Still wild after all these years
  40. Pop the bubbly, it’s my birthday!
  41. Accepting gift via Venmo this year. #SocialDistanceBirthday
  42. Too young to be this old.
  43. Making my birthday wish.
  44. The one where I turned another year older.
  45. Wherever the cake is, that is my happy place.
  46. My birthday is tomorrow…just in case anyone was wondering.
  47. Living my birthday by the 80\20 rule today: 80% champagne & 20% cake.
  48. Today is a whole new chapter! Happy birthday to me.
  49. There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy.
  50. Slipping into my b-day attire: loungewear! #QuarantineBirthday
  51. I don’t get older, I level up.
  52. It’s my birthday and sadly you’re not invited. #COVIDParty
  53. Some girls are just born with glitter in their veins and that is definitely me.
  54. Wishing I had s’more birthday wishes.
  55. Overjoyed to be celebrating another year.
  56. My birthday looks a little different this year.
  57. Old enough to know better, but still young enough to get away with it.
  58. Officially part of the dirty 30 club.
  59. It’s midnight, which means it’s my birthday!
  60. It is scientifically proven that people who have more birthdays live longer.
  61. I’m not getting older, I’m increasing in value.
  62. Enjoy life and eat confetti cake.
  63. I got ready and put on REAL clothes to celebrate my birthday today. #GoMe
  64. This is 30.
  65. Happy quarantine birthday to me.
  66. Age is merely the number of years the world has been enjoying you.
  67. Eating cake like nobody is watching today.
  68. New age, same old me.
  69. Peace, love and birthday cake.
  70. Celebrating me today is a piece of cake.
  71. Dreaming that tomorrow will be my birthday again.
  72. My birthday is under quarantine. #2021
  73. Today was amazing. I think the fact that it was my birthday made it 99% better.
  74. Gonna party like it’s my birthday…‘cause it is.
  75. Birthday feels.
  76. Ready to take on another decade!
  77. Wishing I could relive this day over and over again. Happy birthday to me!
  78. I love nothing more than being the birthday girl!
  79. Another year older, another year wiser? I guess we’ll see!
  80. My heart is full this birthday.
  81. Feeling cute. Maybe it’s my birthday glow.
  82. Another birthday? No problem.
  83. If you’re reading this, it’s my birthday.
  84. Don’t grow up, it’s a trap!
  85. Over the hill and happy about it.
  86. About to go on another 365-day adventure around the sun.
  87. Live your life and forget your age.
  88. My birthday selfie game is strong.
  89. Today is the oldest I’ve ever been and the youngest I’ll ever be again.
  90. Birthday candles aren’t the only things getting lit this weekend.
  91. I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 22.
  92. Feeling fabulous and 40.
  93. Another adventure-filled year awaits!
  94. Love is the best birthday present.
  95. Ready to celebrate another birthday milestone.
  96. Half birthdays deserve celebrations too!
  97. I’m just here for the cake.
  98. I’m staying up past 10 tonight — it’s time to celebrate!
  99. Heaven released a cute angel on this day in some years ago. Happy birthday to me.
  100. Just went on my annual birthday shopping spree!
  101. Today, the world received a gift. It’s me and you’re welcome.
  102. Peace, love and birthday fun!
  103. If I appear to be in a great mood today, don’t be alarmed. It’s my birthday!
  104. Today is my birthday, and I’m riding high
  105. Welcome to club “party at home.” #QuarantineBirthday
  106. Blow up the balloons and bring out the cake. Today is my big day!
  107. Telling everyone in sight that it’s my birthday!
  108. Staring my birthday celebrations early this year!
  109. Age ain’t nothing but a number.
  110. Here’s to another trip around the sun.
  111. There’s a sort of birthday magic in the air.
  112. Live in the present, because life is a gift.
  113. Look at me now!
  114. Young, wild and free!
  115. Bye, bye 20s, you were good to me.
  116. Feeling so treasured today.
  117. It’s my birthday and I’ll eat cake if I want to.
  118. Celebrating this big day with all my faves.
  119. Making my years count instead of counting the years.
  120. R.I.P. to my last year in my 30s.
  121. Girls just wanna have fun.
  122. Finally legal. Proceed with caution.
  123. Cheers and beers to my 25 years!
  124. The only things getting LIT today are the candles on my cake!
  125. Forget the candles, I want fireworks!
  126. I always make bad decisions on my birthday.
  127. My birthday wish is for Covid to disappear. #QuarantineBirthday
  128. I’m no beauty queen, I’m just beautiful me.
  129. Hip, hip, hooray.
  130. Still 21, but with 10 years of experience.
  131. This is what a birthday in 2021 looks like…
  132. Cheers to a day as special as me.
  133. It’s time to concentrate on me!
  134. Cheers to the freakin’ weekend.
  135. Don’t worry about your age, you get a new one every year.
  136. Move over coffee, today may be a day for champagne day!
  137. I was born with a present, the gift of awesomeness.
  138. Today is the most important day of my life. And I’m going to celebrate it accordingly. Happy birthday to me.
  139. Here’s to 38, not being like 39.
  140. Every birthday is an opportunity to start with a clean slate.
  141. I’m kind of a big deal today. Happy birthday to me.
  142. Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me.
  143. I’m so awesome, when I was born, I was given a certificate.
  144. I have no shopping budget today, it’s my birthday!
  145. Well, at least I am not as old as I will be next year!
  146. 35 looks pretty and good on me.
  147. Turn my birthday into a lifestyle.
  148. My b-day may be a little different this year, but I’m still feeling just as loved.
  149. Guess I’ll be singing “Happy Birthday” to myself this year.
  150. In dog years, I’m only 7!
  151. A woman never reveals her age—especially on her birthday.

Fun Birthday Captions for Instagram

  1. It’s a sprinkle and cupcake kind of day.
  2. Happy birthday to the most awesome human on this planet—me!
  3. Dear me, happy birthday!
  4. Birthdays are bigger in Texas.
  5. Here’s to another year of glamorousness.
  6. Birthday hair and I don’t care.
  7. Today, I decided to be a birthday cupcake in a world full of muffins.
  8. This is what dreams are made of.
  9. A little birthday party for me!
  10. Welcome to club birthday!
  11. 25 and feeling fine!
  12. Everyday is worth celebrating, but especially today because it’s my birthday.
  13. I didn’t choose this birthday, this birthday chose me.
  14. One year older and one year bolder!
  15. Quarter of a century young today.
  16. Is that a gray hair? Happy birthday to me.
  17. It’s my birthday, but you’re not invited…#lockdown2021
  18. Sweatpants? Netflix? Takeout? We’ve got everything we need for a birthday celebration, 2021 style, right here.
  19. Ditching the gym and eating cake. Happy birthday to me!
  20. I’m not getting older. I’m getting better.
  21. Hakuna ma’vodka.
  22. Quarantine birthday edition take one.
  23. Feeling cute, might celebrate my birthday later.
  24. My birthday week starts…now!
  25. A birthday party without cake is just a meeting.
  26. 33 and me! Grateful for another year.
  27. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows, but a good amount of it actually is.
  28. Did someone say it’s my birthday?!
  29. Sassy since birth.
  30. Feeling like a million bucks this birthday.
  31. Felt cute. Then I remembered it was my birthday and I felt even cuter.
  32. 30, flirty and thriving!
  33. Birthday #mood!
  34. Live your life and forget your age.
  35. Postponing my birthday until further notice.
  36. Birthdays are nature’s way of telling you to eat more cake.
  37. This year doesn’t count, so I’ll be staying in my thirties for another year.
  38. Let the birthday shenanigans begin!
  39. Made in 1985.
  40. 2021 can’t stop me from celebrating my birthday (at home that is!).
  41. Made in 1985.
  42. Had a Zoom-tastic birthday party!
  43. Birthday wishes and butterfly kisses.
  44. Make a wish!
  45. Getting my birthday glam on!
  46. Celebrating like nobody is watching.
  47. Not wasting a single second of my birthday today.
  48. Age is just a hashtag.
  49. Hello, 40!
  50. My birthday this year might be a mess, but I couldn’t care less. #Blessed
  51. I don’t feel a day older than 28.
  52. Cupcakes and wine…I’m about to have a good time.
  53. New day, new age!
  54. Keep calm…it’s my birthday!
  55. I can’t help being cute, I’m the birthday girl.
  56. I can’t stop smiling. It’s my birthday.
  57. If you see this, you should know it’s my birthday.
  58. Announcement: Today is my birthday!
  59. Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional.
  60. I have a secret: I’m older today than I was yesterday.
  61. Feelin’ blessed.
  62. I will be 29 until further notice.
  63. Birthday are never overrated.
  64. Harder, better, faster, stronger.
  65. Cheers to me!
  66. Who’s ready to celebrate my birthday?
  67. Tell me I’m pretty. It’s my birthday.
  68. Maybe I’ll decide to act like an adult this year.
  69. On this day, a queen was born.
  70. Thanking God for being alive. Happy birthday to me.
  71. Birthday magic.
  72. Loving being smothered with birthday love today.
  73. Life’s too short to not eat cake.
  74. Getting my birthday glow on.
  75. Happy birthday to the funniest person I know — me.
  76. Today is all about me!
  77. My birthday is today, but I’ll take presents whenever.
  78. Is it me, or am I aging backward?
  79. Born to shine, especially today.
  80. Nothing can stop me this year.
  81. Everyone has birthdays. I’m glad mine is today.
  82. There’s nothing blue about turning 32.
  83. Treating myself to a day filled with doing nothing. #BirthdayWish
  84. Bring on the candles. So happy to be celebrating another year.
  85. Life is a journey and I’m enjoying every mile of it.
  86. Why so many candles for such a small cake? I guess I’m getting old.
  87. Best. Age. Ever.
  88. Happy moments. Happy thoughts. Happiest birthday ever.
  89. This might be my favorite birthday to date!
  90. Good news: Today is my birthday!
  91. Work hard. Play hard. Eat cake. That’s now my life and birthday motto.
  92. Happy birthday to me!
  93. Taking the day off. It’s my birthday.
  94. My day is about to be filled with nothing but cake and ice cream.
  95. I think this will be my favorite age yet!
  96. Feeling like a princess today and nobody can tell me otherwise.
  97. Jumping into this birthday headfirst.
  98. Eating cake like it’s my job today.
  99. Birthday vibes all around. Check out…150 Birthday Quotes35 Birthday Bible Verses30 Birthday Zoom Backgrounds135 Birthday Freebies

250 Best Birthday Instagram Captions - 35250 Best Birthday Instagram Captions - 94250 Best Birthday Instagram Captions - 97250 Best Birthday Instagram Captions - 44250 Best Birthday Instagram Captions - 57250 Best Birthday Instagram Captions - 68250 Best Birthday Instagram Captions - 6250 Best Birthday Instagram Captions - 2250 Best Birthday Instagram Captions - 62250 Best Birthday Instagram Captions - 12250 Best Birthday Instagram Captions - 10250 Best Birthday Instagram Captions - 54250 Best Birthday Instagram Captions - 20