When your body temperature reaches this level, you likely feel pretty lousy. Or, if you’re a parent with a child with a fever, you’re probably trying to figure out how to get them feeling better ASAP. The majority of the time, fevers don’t require medical attention and can be cared for at home. “Even though fevers, especially high fevers can be scary, parents should not be afraid of one-time or short-term fevers,” says Dr. Sylvia Owusu-Ansah, MD, MPH, FAAP, an assistant professor of pediatrics at University of Pittsburgh School of Health and Rehabilitation Services and the EMS medical director at UPMC’s Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh. While most fevers don’t require heading to urgent care, there are ways you can bring down your fever (or your child’s fever) at home on your own. Here, both doctors share what causes fevers in the first place and give their best tips on bringing them down.

What Causes Fevers?

Dr. Owusu-Ansah says that there are many reasons someone may get a fever. The most common reasons are viruses—including the common cold, the flu and COVID—and bacterial infections (including ear infections, sore throat, pneumonia, urinary tract infections and skin infections). Less common reasons, she says, include meningitis, inflammatory diseases, rheumatologic diseases or cancer. “In general, children are more likely to develop a fever with milder illnesses than adults,” says Dr. Workman. But, she adds, the reasons for fevers in children and adults are typically the same. Treating your fever won’t cure you of the underlying reasons why you have a fever, but it can help you start to feel better. Fortunately, there are a lot of solutions to try.

11 Ways to Break a Fever

1. Take an over-the-counter antipyretic

“Acetaminophen [like Tylenol] and ibuprofen are both effective antipyretics and can help with any discomfort,” Dr. Workman says. If you or your child have a fever, this is a great first step to take to bring it down. “In head-to-head trials, ibuprofen has been slightly more effective than acetaminophen at bringing down fevers,” Dr. Workman says. While effective, she adds that children less than six months old should not be given ibuprofen.

2. Wear lightweight clothing

“Do not follow the old wive’s tale of bundling children [or yourself] in heavy blankets or clothing to ‘sweat out a fever,’” Dr. Owusu-Ansah says. Instead, she says that wearing light-weight clothing, like T-shirts and shorts is more effective.

3. Use a cool compress

While Dr. Workman says that a cool compress likely won’t lower a fever, she does say it can give some needed comfort. Dr. Owusu-Ansah agrees that it can be helpful, but she warns against too-cold temperatures. “Don’t place children in ice cold water to ‘break the fever,’” she says.

4. Drink plenty of fluids

Both doctors emphasize the importance of staying hydrated when you have a fever. For children, Dr. Owusu-Ansah recommends an electrolyte drink like Pedialyte. “Children lose additional fluids from fevers, and younger children have larger heads with larger heat loss and larger difference in head-to-body surface area ratios,” she says. This is why staying hydrated is crucial, especially for children.

5. Get plenty of sleep

Sleep on its own will not break a fever, but both doctors say that it’s important for recuperating from the illness. “The body needs to conserve energy to fight off an infection or illness,” Dr. Owusu-Ansah says. If you try to work through your sickness, you’ll likely be sick for longer.

6. Eat nutrient-rich foods

Another way to give your body energy is by eating nourishing foods with nutrients the body needs, like protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Some foods to try to eat when you’re feeling sick include eggs, nuts, grains and leafy greens. If none of these foods sound good to you, try incorporating them into a soup or sipping on bone broth, which is full of protein. While these foods won’t necessarily break your fever, they will help give the body more energy, leading to a quicker recovery.

7. Load up on vitamin C

One nutrient in particular that can help the body recover from sickness is vitamin C. Foods including citrus fruits, kale, Brussels sprouts and broccoli are all good sources of this nutrient.

8. Sip ginger tea

Some scientific research has shown a link between consuming ginger and fever reduction. This is due to ginger’s anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. As Dr. Owusu-Ansah explained, bacterial infections are a primary reason why people get fevers in the first place, so drinking tea made with antibacterial herbs, like ginger, can help.

9. Add basil or rosemary to your meals

Two other herbs that are associated with fever reduction are basil and rosemary. Like ginger, these herbs are both anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. Incorporate them into your chicken noodle soup or other sick day meals.

10. Give it time

While this solution may not be the most welcome one, both doctors say that fevers tend to go away on their own. On average, it takes between one to three days for a fever to break.

11. See a doctor

While most of the time you don’t need to go to the hospital or urgent care because of a fever, there are times when you should. Dr. Owusu-Ansah says that if the fever has lasted for more than five days, you or your child should see a doctor. Dr. Workman adds that if an infant younger than two months develops a fever above 100.9 degrees Fahrenheit, parents should call or see a pediatrician. Also, if the fever is accompanied by incessant vomiting or there has been a significant decrease in urine output, Dr. Owusu-Ansah says those are signs that it’s time to see a doctor. Last, it’s important to get tested for COVID-19 if you have a fever. If you do test positive, it’s important to quarantine for at least five days to reduce the spread of infection to others. Getting a fever is never fun, but fortunately, while you may feel pretty horrible, it’s typically not cause for serious concern. Rest up, drink plenty of fluids and take an over-the-counter antipyretic. In a few days, you’ll be back to your normal self.  Next up, this is how to tell the difference between a cold or COVID, according to doctors. 


Dr. Cassandra Workman, MD, family medicine doctor at Pure Family MedicineDr. Sylvia Owusu-Ansah, MD, MPH, FAAP, assistant professor of pediatrics at University of Pittsburgh School of Health and Rehabilitation Services and EMS medical director at UPMC’s Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh