But though this bevy has done its part in uniting us all over the shared delicious flavors of bubbly hard seltzer, many have strong AF opinions when it comes to flavors. Of course, it’s all subjective and comes down to preference but that’s not stopping us from ranking them from best to worst. Keep reading for the 11 best White Claw flavors, from Natural Lime to Black Cherry—ranked.

11 Best White Claw Flavors

1. Mango

Mango White Claw is a flavor we can all get behind! Deliciously tropical and delightfully fruity, this is definitely the flavor that most Claw-drinkers can agree on.

2. Watermelon

Just a hint of watermelon makes the Watermelon White Claw flavor as refreshing as can be and since it comes in a can, it’s 10 times better than having to bartend a cocktail yourself.

3. Tangerine

The Tangerine White Claw totally gives us Aperol Spritz vibes. It’s sweet, it’s tangy—but not too much so—plus, it’s not as divisive a flavor as some of the others (we’re looking at you, Black Cherry and Lime! More on that later…).

4. Blackberry

The Blackberry White Claw flavor was scary at first to try (blackberry? in a drink?), but we’re oh so happy we did. Light and never overpowering, the Blackberry flavor definitely can hang with the best of them.

5. Pineapple

It’s like a pina colada or a bay breeze—only inconvenient can form. The Pineapple White Claw flavor is everything you’re looking for in a summertime drink. In fact, we wish we could rate it higher but the other ones are just so good.

6. Raspberry

Right around here is where things start getting tense when searching through the White Claw cooler to see which flavors are left. Are we going to choose Raspberry first? Heck no. Are we going to choose it last? Nah—there are worse ones. This one just kinda sits in the middle as a neutral being. It’s the “alright, I’ll have that one, I guess” of all the flavors.

7. Black Cherry

Strong opinions about Black Cherry White Claw can do some serious damage at the dinner table. In fact, we recommend not talking about White Claw flavors during a meal, just as you might avoid other divisive topics. We know, we know—there’s a whole active legion of people who literally despise Black Cherry White Claw, but in all honesty, it’s not that bad. So long as you don’t have a serious black cherry-flavor aversion due to an incident with cough syrup or some other medicine, this one’s really not bad at all. Plus, the best part of going hard for Black Cherry White Claw is that when it’s the bottom of the barrel, you get to claim what’s left!

8. Lemon

Not. A. Fan. Will we drink it? Sure. Will we enjoy it? No. Something about it tastes a whole lot like how cleaning supplies smell and well, we’re just not that into it.

9. Strawberry

TBH, we wanted to like Strawberry White Claw more than we actually did. It’s certainly not the worst, but it’s not the one everyone will be reaching for, either.

10. Natural Lime

Similar to the way there’s a whole fandom dedicated to loathing Black Cherry, many people outwardly oppose Natural Lime White Claws. More for the rest of us, we guess, but we totally see how this could be a controversial flavor. For most palates, it’s probably a little too seltzer-y and not enough lime-y, so we can totally see why it’s one of the more disputed flavors.

11. Ruby Grapefruit

Last—and certainly least—is Ruby Grapefruit. If you’re the type of person who loves tequila-palomas, we’re super sorry, but Ruby Grapefruit White Claw just isn’t it. Not a lot of people like the flavor of grapefruit in general, so it totally tracks that this is the flavor most often left at the bottom of the cooler. Next up, best Gatorade flavors, ranked. Our ranking focuses on the traditional White Claw flavors and does not include the following White Claw lines: Surf, Iced Tea, and Surge.

11 Best White Claw Flavors  Ranked - 2611 Best White Claw Flavors  Ranked - 7911 Best White Claw Flavors  Ranked - 4711 Best White Claw Flavors  Ranked - 1411 Best White Claw Flavors  Ranked - 1911 Best White Claw Flavors  Ranked - 8311 Best White Claw Flavors  Ranked - 1711 Best White Claw Flavors  Ranked - 7711 Best White Claw Flavors  Ranked - 8911 Best White Claw Flavors  Ranked - 7511 Best White Claw Flavors  Ranked - 6511 Best White Claw Flavors  Ranked - 69