Fiber is an essential nutrient that most Americans fall short on. A 2017 study published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine found that nearly 95% of Americans don’t get enough fiber. If you’re worried this is you, here’s the deal: Women should aim for about 25 grams of fiber per day, while men should target about 38 grams, according to The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. And by falling short, you’re missing out on some serious health benefits. “Dietary fiber keeps you full for a lot longer, since it is digested at a slower rate than lower fiber foods,” says registered dietitian nutritionist Roxana Ehsani, MS, RDN, CSSD, LDN, and Spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “It also keeps a person’s blood sugar more stable as the energy released from the fiber-rich food hits a person’s blood sugar at a slower more consistent rate. Therefore, you may experience less of a blood sugar rush after eating a fiber-rich food.” One go-to dish that’s notorious for its fiber content is oatmeal. “Oats provide soluble fiber, and they’re a great way to start your day or serve oats as a savory side with dinner,” says Bonnie Taub-Dix, RDN, creator of and author of Read It Before You Eat It: Taking You from Label to Table. “A one-cup serving of oatmeal cooked in water provides 4 grams of fiber.” However, there are lots of other foods that pack more fiber than oatmeal.

Foods with more fiber than oatmeal

Here are 10 foods that have more fiber than a serving of oatmeal.

1. Raspberries

Fiber per serving: 8 grams “Raspberries are one of the highest-fiber fruits you can find in the produce department, packing 8 grams per 1 cup. They are packed with tiny seeds that contribute to their high dietary fiber amount per serving,” says Ehsani. “You can add a cup of these sweet berries to your morning bowl of oatmeal to have a high fiber breakfast! Add them to smoothies, yogurt parfaits, on top of salads or into desserts.” She suggests that when these fiber-packed berries aren’t in season and tasting as delicious, buy them frozen. “Frozen is budget-friendly, and since as it’s frozen during peak freshness, it retains its nutritional profile as well as delicious taste,” says Ehsani.

2. Almonds

Fiber per serving: 4 grams per 3 tablespoons “Three tablespoons of almonds provide the same amount of fiber that’s in a bowl of oatmeal and, I don’t know about you, but I eat morethan 3 tablespoons of almonds at a sitting!” says Taub-Dix. “Almonds are also the nut highest in calcium, another nutrient, like fiber, that most of us don’t get enough of. Almonds are also an excellent source of plant protein and heart-healthy fats.”

3. Lentils

Fiber per serving: 8 grams “Not many people think of incorporating lentils into their weekly meals, but they are highly nutritious, inexpensive, versatile, and pack a great dose of dietary fiber thanks to them being seeds,” says Taub-Dix. “Lentils are delicious in soups, stews, chilis, can be made into vegetarian/vegan burgers, or can be pulsed into creamy dips.”

4. Avocado

Fiber per serving: 5 grams “Everyone’s favorite healthy fat to spread on top of toast or eat with eggs, not only is creamy and delicious and contains healthy fats, but also contains 5 grams of dietary fiber too! It packs both soluble and insoluble fiber,” says Ehsani.

5. Chickpeas

Fiber per serving: 6g fiber per 1/2 cup cooked “Legumes and pulses are the most undervalued foods in the store, yet they are nutritional powerhouses,” says Taub-Dix. “Not only do these foods provide fiber, they are also a super source of plant protein as well as providing a wealth of nutrients.”

6. Navy beans

Fiber per serving: 19 g per 1 cup cooked Speaking of legumes…navy beans are another legume with tons of fiber. They pack a whopping 19 grams per cup. Besides a lot of fiber, navy beans are a great tool to help fight against metabolic syndrome. One study found that overweight or obese adults who ate 5 cups of navy beans per week for 8 weeks reported reduced waist circumference, blood sugar and blood pressure.

7. Chia seeds

Fiber per serving: 10 grams “Chia seeds are powerful seeds loaded with 10 grams of dietary fiber for just 2 tablespoons, beating out flaxseeds (a seed they are often compared to), says Ehsani. “Chia seeds pack soluble fiber, a healthy dose of omega 3 essential fats, and even 5 grams of protein.” Since they don’t taste like much, she notes that you can easily sprinkle them on just about any food or make them into a pudding. Taub-Dix adds, “They do provide lots of crunch and they help you feel fuller for longer!”

8. Artichoke

Fiber per serving: 7 grams This unsuspecting veggie is actually packed with tons of fiber. Plus, it also has tons of health benefits. It’s been studied to help lower cholesterol, as well as regulate blood pressure.

9. Barley

Fiber per serving: 6 grams “Love oats but looking for another high fiber grain you can enjoy as a breakfast item? Barely may become your new favorite breakfast staple. Barely contains beta-glucan which is a type of fiber, known as soluble fiber, and contains 6 grams per 1 cup cooked,” says Ehsani. “Barley also contains protein. Plus, you could use for a sweet or savory dish. For example, add fruit on top for a creamy sweet porridge or add to soups or make into a pilaf.”

10. Pears

Fiber per serving: 6 grams (1 medium pear) For a sweet fiber-filled snack, grab a pear. Not only will you get plenty of fiber, but pears are also a low-glycemic fruit that has been studied to lower the risk of diabetes. Next, a list of heart-healthy foods.


Roxana Ehsani, MS, RDN, CSSD, LDN, and Spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and DieteticsBonnie Taub-Dix, RDN, creator of and author of Read It Before You Eat It: Taking You from Label to Table 10 Foods With More Fiber Than Oatmeal - 5